Tag Archives: Blogger

Proper Keyword Placement on Your Website

Proper Keyword Placement on Your Website

Proper Keyword Placement on Your Website

Proper keyword placement on your website is extremely important for your readers and for the search engines that will send you readers.

Before writing anything, research your keywords and make sure that you have selected the best keywords and keyword phrases that define your product and will bring you people that actually want what you have to offer.

Once you have your keywords you have to place them at certain places on your website. You should have your keywords positioned throughout your content and also in the HTML text that is hidden to reader’s eyes. Continue reading

Blogging for Business the Great Thing About Web Logs and the Growing Set of Software

Blogging for Business the Great Thing About Web Logs and the Growing Set of Software

Blogging for Business the Great Thing About Web Logs and the Growing Set of Software

If Howard Dean’s failed political campaign accomplished anything, I would say that it brought to the mainstream the use of something called a weblog or “blog” as it known in cyberspace. A blog is really nothing more than a diary uploaded to the Internet and until about the last 12 months was the realm of the individual who saw it as a way to publish there random (and sometimes disturbed) thoughts.

The great thing about weblogs, and the growing set of software that is being created to publish them, is that they are a tremendous business tool for the help http://www.feed-reader-links.com. Weblogs allow you to create content and contact…and that is what your clients crave more than anything. I use a program (there is a free trial version) called PMachine to publish my weblog.

This program allows me to simply make many entries and updates and also allows readers to add comments. Better still, now seemingly random articles can be sorted and searched by content or subject. My weblog is more like a content management system and my readers seem to love it. Another great reason to explore the use of weblogs is that search engines seem to love them. Within 30 days of launching my weblog it became the most visited page on my fairly high traffic website. So what is it about blogs that those little spiders love so much?

Here’s a little secret, search engines crave content. Okay so maybe that’s not such a secret but to look at many websites you would think it so. The fact is that too many websites just sit there doing nothing that the search engines admire. Providing content, not to mention fresh content, is one of the toughest chores of anyone who maintains a website. But when it comes to generating traffic it is the most important job. Blogs, by their very nature, are all about content. In a commercial environment every blog entry is fresh content. Get in the habit of making two, three, even four entries a week and you’ve got a content building bonanza on your hands for the help http://www.rss-announcers.com. Everyone knows you need new content to give visitors a reason to come back; blogs just make the task so much easier. Another advantage that blogs seem to currently possess over traditional web pages and sites is lack of competition. While the number of bloggers grows daily, there are still relatively few commercial blog sites. When I created my blog I found that it showed up in the number 3 spot in Google for the term “Marketing Weblog” within about 3 weeks of launch. Not bad considering I did nothing to make it happen.

There are a couple of other things you should do to make your weblog a traffic magnet. They aren’t really that different than tradition SEO tactics but the names and faces are unique to the blogging world. Use targeted keywords in your entry titles No rocket science here but this tip can’t be stated enough. Forget cute…go for titles that fit your targeted keywords and phrases…even if they seem a bit awkward. (You do have targeted keywords and phrases don’t you?

Time Management Tips to Help You Achieve Your Goals

Time Management Tips to Help You Achieve Your Goals

Time Management Tips to Help You Achieve Your Goals

You often hear people say that time is like money or that time is money and the reason for this is that you can save time, spend time or waste time the same as you can do with money. But the truth of the matter is that time is not like money at all. The saying that you can save time might be true in some ways, but you cannot take time to the bank and save it for a rainy day. Once it is gone, it is gone forever never to return. So if you think about it carefully time is definitely more precious than money.

From this perspective it is certainly sensible to use your time wisely and to spend some of it in learning techniques that will help you to make the best possible use of the time that you have. This is of prime importance if you are running your own business, especially an internet based business as there are just so many different tasks that require your attention and an enormous amount of distractions to take your mind off your priorities. This is a definite time waster.

These are the three main time management areas that you as an internet based business owner will need to focus on:

1. Mission statements and setting of goals.

A mission statement will help to clarify for you the vision and values that you have for your business and is your main reason for wanting to be in a business in the first place. It will be your constant reminder or your WHY. In other words what you want to achieve from your business. Continue reading

A Bigger Vision for a Bigger Business

A Bigger Vision for a Bigger Business

A Bigger Vision for a Bigger Business

Any worthwhile business mentor will tell you to define your goals in starting your own business. But they may not tell you how to pick the best targets to be successful…

First off – let’s just review that last statement – it suggests some targets are better than others – and that’s simply not true – as long as you are going after your goals and dreams, then they are perfect. When everything you do is focused on achieving something that really speaks to you deeply – then you have the right target. If you do not feel that “gut” reaction when you think of your goals, then you don’t have the right goals for you – this is why working towards someone else’s goals and dreams simply will not work – no matter how much you love your spouse, you may have slightly different goals. For my wife and I – She is focusing on nice clothes and massage treatments, while I am more of an adrenalin junkie, so I’m driven by fast cars, motorcycles, and so on. And that’s great – we do agree on the awesome house we want, but for both of us our main goals are driving us towards a more prosperous life.

So far, so good – and probably not new information if you have been looking into developing your full potential for a while. But here’s the exciting part – you do not have to stop – your “full” potential is not fixed – you can go beyond your full potential and become more powerful than you imagine – and that’s the real power of goals and dreams! Bigger goals are the secret to this. Continue reading